(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - The Shadowfell - Gloomwrought And Beyond + (Tokens, Mappe e Carte) - Flip eBook Pages 151-180 (2024)

LOST COMPANY E n c ount e r Leve l 13 (4, 8 00 XP) Setup 1 hearth golem (I-{) 2 watchful ghosts (G) ] m alicious ghost (M) Gloomwrougill's Undcrcity. a catacomb of aged buildings and rooms the city has absorbed and entombed over centuries. lIsually swallows empty structures. but not always. Decades ago. a bruta l rivalry reached its crescendo when 1I01l5C Trcyvun attacked the company headqua r. ters of House Sullsl, destroying the build ing with its enemy's soldiers inside. ""hen the city consumed the struct ure. the soldiers went with it- body a nd soul. The corpses have long since turned to dust. but the soldiers' spirits remain on duty. Strangely. the headquarters lives on as well. Since outside forces damaged it before its matu ration. the structure had not fully lost the living energy Gloomwrought suffused it with. Part of the wreckage absorbed that energy and manifested as a hearth golem. Recognizing the soldiers' spirits as its former occupants, the golem still unends \0 them. This e ncounter uses a portion oflhe poster map in this product. W h e n the heroes enter the building, read: .\S \'011 l'lltl'rt·d thl' br,lkCI1 remllins of IIlarHe. Ulililariall buildillH.YOIl heard 50Ul1l"$ oJlow v;ict's . .\'ow dlUl you're in l"efoyer,yoll ((Ill scc an Or(lll,qe 8/OW comina Ihrat/ah Ihe doorwayfrom thc room mljacclII fo fheJoycr .. \ flllOslly fi8ure ,lre5sl'II (15 11 ~ol"il'r sfUluh ilt till' ((lrrtl'r oj the JoYl'r lit thejoot of II sluinl'II.\. lind unothl'r 811ard is riHllt behind if 1m rhl' ~tep~. When the ghost in the foyer sees the adventurers. il demands to know the characters' business and to review the papers granting them passage in the catacombs.ln all likelihood, the characters ha,'c no such documentation. If they do anylh ing olher than produce their papers, all the ghosts prepare to attack, and the hearth golem takes for111, expanding out from the fi re - place and assuming its full size. When the ghosts move to attack, read: The altos! infrllJlI t1f.wu hml1di~hes /1; weapon al fhe Sllm(' lilllc fh(lt J'ou hcar sollIr (Q1I1II1illioll in Ihe l.I(ljacl.'nt cham/la. Sutldcllly, ril" doorway isJille,J widl thr allimate}orlll of II jw/elll tlliIt IIIls-just crtH'rOl'dfrofll rite source '?flhr Hlo"·. Hearth Golem Level 13 Elite Controller l •• rge n,'tural "nlmate (coMlruct) XP 1 600 HP 256: Bloodied 128 AC 27. Fortitude 28, Re nex 23, Will 25 Speed 6 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS o Hearthfire (fire) + Aura 2 Inltiiltlve +6 Perception +8 Oarkllision Any enemy that ends Its turn In the auril tilkes S fire darnilge. Plodding The golem cannol shift. hSWidU,!<'iI! itt <D Slam (fire) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (anI' creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 2d1 0 + 5 fire damage. and the target gains vulnerable 5 fire unt il the end of the golem's next turn. t Double Attack + At-Will Effccl: The golem uses slam twice. ~ Ash Blast (fire) + At·WiII /!flock: Close blast 3 (c ~al res in the blast); +16 liS. Fortitude HJI: 2dl0 + 10 fire damage. and Ihe target takes iI -2 penalty 10 attack rolls (save ends). MINOR ACTIONS (_ Fla re Up (fire) + Recharge when the gotI'm takes fire damage Auaclc: Close burst 2 (creatures in the buru): +16 vs. Reflex HII: 2d6 + S nre damage. Until the end of the golem's next turn, Its slam also deals ongoing 5 nre damage (salle ends), Str 21 (+11) 0 1'1110(+6) Wis 14(+8) Con 16 (+9) Int 3 (+2) Chal (+2) Alignme nt unaligned l anguages - 2 Watchrul Ghosts (G) Level 15 Soldier M('dlum ~harlow hum"nOld (undead) XP 1 200 ('a(h HP 104; Bloodied 52 AC 31. Fortitude 26, Renex 26, WiI! 28 Speed 0, fly 6 (hover): phasing Immu ne disease, poison TRAITS Insubst3ntl31 tnitiative +14 Pe rception +1 8 Darkvlsion The host tilkes half damage from any damage source. STI\NOARD A CTIONS <D Spectral Sword (psychic) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature): +20 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + S psychiC damage, and the target is marked (save ends). ::,- Spectral Crossbow (psychic) + At·WilI Attock Ranged 1S (one creature): +20 liS. AC HJI: 2d8 + 1 0 p~ychlc damage, and the target is marked untU the end of the ghost's next turn. M OVE ACTIONS Harry the Marked (IPleportation) + Recharge 6 II Efferl: The ghosl teleports up to 10 squares to a square adjacent to an enemy it has marked. MINOR ACTIONS (_ Hailing the Marked (psychk) + At·WiII (1/round) Attock: Close burst S (creatures marked by the ghost In the burst); -+ 18vs. WIiI Hit: The largel takes ongoing 10 psychic damage ilnd is immobl· lized (save ends both). Miss: The target Is slowed until the end of the ghost's next turn. SIr 15 (+9) Oex 20(+12) Wis 23 (+13) Con 20(+12) IOI1 6(tlO) Cha 15(+9) Alignment unaligned l anguages COmnlOn

ost (M) Level 13 Lurker um~n hJ (utltJeau) XP 800 HP 72: Bloodled]6 AC 27, Fortitude 23, Rene. 25, Will 26 Speed 0, fly 6 (hOV1!r); phasing Immune disease, polson TRAITS loexorable Creep Initiative +17 Perception +13 Darkvisloo When the ghost uses phasing to moYe through blocking terrain, It galol a +2 bonus to attack rolls and all defenses and deals ld6 e.tra damage on melee attacks and ranged attacks until the start o(lts neKllUrn. In5ubstantlal The ghosltakes half damage from any damage source. STANDARD AUIONS CD Spirit Touch (necrotic) • At·WiII Anock: Melee 1 (one creature): +16 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + 8 nccrotlc damage. ~ Pie rcing Ma lice (psychic) + At-Will Allock: Ranged S (one creature); +16 vs. Will Hit: 3d8 + 8 psychic damage, and the target Is slowed (save ends). (. Inky Breath (neCrOtic) • Recharge :.: I I Attock: Close blast S (enemies In the blast); +16 vs. Fortitude Hit; 2d8 + 3 necrolic damage, and the largetlakes ongoing 10 necrotic damage and Is Immobilized (save ends both). Skills Stealth +1 8 Str 14 (+8) Con 19(+10) Dex 24 (+13) Int10 (+6) Wis 14 (-..8) Cha 25 (+13) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Tactics As spirits of well-trained soldiers. the ghosts maintain their bailie acumen_ The ma licious ghost takes full advantage oflts phaSing. retreating inlo the kilchen or to the upslairs while it waits for inky breath to recharge. II tries to use Ihe power when allackers are near the golem. Immobili zi ng foes in (he golem's hearlhfire aura. Meanwhile. the walchful ghosts eye the battle· scarred members of the party. marking the intruders and using Iialrillil t/ie marked to immobilize them within the golem's reach. Employing their ability to phase through walls, the walchfu l ghosts might retreat upstairs when first bloodied. allowing them the oppor. tunity to Single out foes thai pursue them. Lost Company Lore A character knows the follOWing information about the ghosts with a successful l-lislory check. DC 14: The Shosl's uniforms mLlulllhosejrom Ihe $0/ diers or a noble IWU~l' fIla! was deslrayed decades I1So. DC 20: I louse Treymn UffLlcked Ihe lteadqullrters oj one ofi15 rim/so HailS!' Sulist .. \ comptmy of 501diers was inside al the rlllle. Tile "Hack IIl'drlyfialtclleJ the Struclure. and wilhill IIIOll1enl!', Gloolllwrou8h, claill1ed the slrUCfllre LInd pulled if illlo tlU' l r"dercil)'. hlexplicailly, portion!' ojthe buildill8 111ell/jell as It wa!' ~Wt1l10Il'eJ_ DC 28: The soMIt'rsl?(lIouse Sulisl JlC\W had the oppor· tUllity to tkftmd rJleir house. Befort' rheX could mOWI! (I COllllleflltttlck. rile ciry 511'Il1101l'ell them. SOJlJe hal'e remained Ils8'IO~tS. tmary ,u tJleirfMl' tln,l hopiny!or rerel18e aH"ill~1 1101151' TrI.'Yl'au. Features of the Area Ill umi nation ; The hearlh golem emits dim light in a 2·square rad ius. The rest ofthc bUilding is dark. Tapeslries: Sevcral of the walls in the foyer arc decorated wit h tapestries. A character in the Silme square as a tapestry c • .Itl gain partial cover by hiding behind it. Ta bl e: Thc large table in the dining room that adjOins the foye r is parlially intact. The squa res in Ihe golem's space are debris (difficult terrain). but the rest orthe table can be manipulated. A character who succeeds on:1 DC 20 Athletics check or Strength check can tip the table on its side to ga in superior cover. Upper Floor: The ghosts can use their phasing to move eaSily 10 the upper floor (the bottom ha lfoft he map). a nd the characlers mighl have to pursue them there. F'urnit ure: The derelict furniture in the bUilding is difficult terrain.

SHADAR-KAI DEATH DEALERS Encoun t er Leve l 14 (5,6 0 0 XP) Setup 2 shadar-kai dawnkiIle rs (D) 2 n ightmares (N) 2 oblivion wraiths (0) While the adventurers travel outside the relativc sarcty or an urban arca. a spectacular Shadowrell storm enve lops them. Hunks orice ca rried in the blinding deluge raise welts and pillg 00' armor as winds strong enough to carry ofT a halOing tear across the landscape. Arter an hour of slogging in what the party hopes is the right direction. the thunder's peals have become even louder. Moments later. the shadar-kai ofThyrin Gol (Call11'aI811 GUide. page 72) arrivc. Even though th is cncount er is tailored to the Thyrin Gal shadar·kai. it can takc place anywhere in the Shadow fell with any group of shadar·kai. When the characters entcr the area, read: lite storm screillflS at you. Jrownil18_HlU ill its fury as it J1ells you with ice. You CIInltarJly see beyond your oWfl8rouP_ Th~ wind culs al you, tlllJ Je,~renh18Ihullder dU8s throll8hyour llead. The f>OIIIII/ill8 kl'!'p58ettins'ouder.like hoo\'('s trampli/18 across your skull. \\'11('11 you looR UIJ ~rrer rhe latest onslttllah!. ,YOII see lJTell! sree,/s !twathed in.llre l/,dlopifl8 strainl!, (II you. Have Ihe players place their figures 011 the map. The monsters ga in a surprise rollnd when they attack. If a character has a passive Pe rccption of31 or higher, he or she is not surprised, a nd you can read the following text: ,\5 tlte muscu/or bodies orthe IWO bluck I)()rses wilh manes dtlil hoo"c~ oJlltlllle tea; rhrouah your ((mRS. ,heir I'ale riders "(illltfrom tht' beast:.;' barks. doaks billoll'in,q in dte storm. .\1111 inlo IIu' chaos Ilrifl Iwo heill8s YOIl wn only describe as drlu!! inCdrllllte- 511llliollT rirs in reality "wt ab$orb 'illllf alld darlll1l'ss illl"IIUtJl mellsure. Tactics The shadar·ka i slart combat mounted on nightmares, which use hooves of hell to ride past or through the area thc characters occupy. Thc shadar-kai havc read· ied actions to Icap rrom the nightmares' backs illto tactically effective positions as the beasts gallop past. Their eyes alight with pleasure. the shadar·kai attack immediately arrc r landing. The nightmares qU ickly join the battle. using hooves of hell whenever that power recharges to shape the battlefi eld. The oblivion wraiths arc bound servants orthe shadar-kai. They ensnare as many enemies as possible in their niltil auras and rocus obliviale attacks on the most dangerous opponents_ Their eyes glow red whell a roc nears death - they relish landing a killing blow that robs another morta l orits true demise. Jrthe shadar-kai are killed. the wraiths' bindings vanish, and they tealllup to auack the character who is closest to deal h. 1 Oblivion Wraiths (0 ) Le ve l 14 Brute l 'lrgc shJdow hum.mold (undead) XP 1 000 cad, HP 116; Bloodied 58 AC 26. Fortitude 25, Refl e/! 27, Will 24 Speed O. fly 6 (hover); phasing Immune disease. polson; Resist 15 necrotic TRAIT!; o Nihil (necrotic) + Aura 2 initia tive +13 Pe rception +7 Oarkvislon Any enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes 10 necrotic damage and cannot spend a healing surge untillhe stan of 115 next turn. insubsta ntial The wraith takes half damage from any damage source. Regeneratio n The wrailh regains 10 hit points whenever it starts its IUrn and has at teast' hit point. Whenever the wraith takes radiant damage, its regeneration doesn't function until the end of Its next turn. Spawn Wraith When the wraith kills a humanoid. that humanoid becomes ill wraith at the star! of this wraith's next turn. The new wraith appears In the space where the humanoid died or In the nearest unoccupied square. and it rolls a new initiative check. The new wraith acts under the Dungeon Master's control. $TANOARD ACT IONS <D Nihil Strike (necrutlt) + At·WiII Attack: Melee 1 (one crealUre); +15 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d12 + 8 necrotic damage. and the wraith is invisible to the target untit the end of the wraith's next turn. + Obllviate (necrotic) + Recharge";:;'11 Allad .. : Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d12 + 4 necrotic damage. and the target takes ongoing 15 ne<:rotlc damage and a -2 penalty to saving throws (save ends both). MOVE ACTIONS Shadow Glide + Encounter Effeer: The wraith shifts up to 6 squares. TIHt.t.lH1U A~ liONS <E- Death BiaSI (necrotic) + Encounte r Trl88er. The wraith drops to 0 hll points. Auack (ImmediOle Reaction): Close blasl 3 (enemies in Ihe blast); +15 vs. FortItude Hit: The target loses two healing surges. Miss: The target loses one healing surge. Skills Stealth +18 Str 20(+12) Con 16(+10) Oex 23 (+13) Int 10(+7) Wls 10(+7) Cha 18(+1 1) Alignment chaotic evil languages Common

2 Nightmares (N ) Level 13 Skirmisher lJrge ~hJdow magical b(,J~1 (mollnl) XP 800 each HP 138; Bloodi~d 69 AC 27. Fortitude 26. Renex 25. Will 24 Speed 10. teleport 10 Initiative +'12 Perception +12 Darkvision The nightmare gain$ a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks. Hell's Ride lflre. mount) The nightmare's rider gains resist 20 fire , STANDARO ACTIONS <D Hooves (fire) + At-Will Attock; Melee 1 (one creature); +1 8 vs. AC Hit: 2dS + 2 damage. and ongoing 1 0 fire damage (save ends). Hooves or Hell (fire) + Recharge ,i;!! Effec.t: The nightmare moves up to 10 squares. Each square the nightmare leaves Is filled with fire up to 2 squares high that lasts until the end of the nlghtmare'S next turn. Any creature that hits the nightmare with a melee attack power during this movement, or that enters one of the naming squares. takes 20 fire damage. Skills Endurance +19 Str 23 (+11) Dex 19 (+10) Con 26 (+14) Int 5 (+3) AUgnment evil Languages - Wls 12 (+7) ChillS (+8) Features of the Area Illumination: Dim light. Visibility: Because of the rOi ling storm. creatures have total concea lment from other creatures 5 or more squares away. Dark Land: The indicated squares are special lcrrai n known as dark land. If a crealure uses a necrotic attack power whi le in one of these squa res. it gai ns a +1 bonus to the attack roiL If a creature uses a radiant attack power while In one of these squares. Its attack deals only half damagc. Ledgc: The ledge ncar thc characters' start a rea is 4 squares (20 feet) highcr than the a rca below it on thc other side of the slope (the purplish squares). A creature adjacent to the upper edge Ihat takes damage from an attack must make a savi ng throw or fall to thc lower side. cnding ltp ill a squarc adjaccnllo the rocky slope. Climbing up the slope requi res a DC 25 Athletics check and 4 squares of movemCni. Treasure: Betwcen them. the shadar·kai are wearing 4.000 gp worth of jewelry and ca rryi ng a potioll of l'ifality (Heroes Of tile Fallen Lands, page 352). 2 Shadar-Kal OawnkUlers (D) Level 14 Lurker McdlUm ~hadow humano.d XP 1.000 cach HP 106; Bloodied S3 AC 28, Fortitude 26. Reflex 28. Will 2S Speed 7 TRA ITS Shadows of the Raven Queen (necrotic) Initiative +18 Perception +16 low· light vision The dawnkUler deals 4d6 extra necrotic damage on melee attacks alalnst any creature that cannot see it. 4UM·6!i" A CTIONS <D Kukrl (weapon) + At·WIII Anoc/e Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 8 damage, and the target Is shrouded In gloom (save ends). While shrouded in gloom. the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and regains only half the normal hit points from healing effects. + Shade Strike (necrotic) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one enemy shrouded In gloom): +19 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 6 necrotic damage, and the ta rget Is blinded (save ends). M OVE ACTlo"ls Shadow Jaunt (teleportatlon) + Encounte r FIfect: The dawnkiller teleports up to ] squilru and becomes Insub5tantlal until the start of its next turn. Skills Acrobatics +19, Stealth +-19 Str 20 (+12) Dex 24 (+14) Can 16 (+10) Int1 4 (+9) Wis 18 (+11) Cha 11 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor. 2 kukris .,.

COLLAPSING TOWER E n co un ter Leve l 15 (6.7 0 0 X P ) Setup 2 eb ony k n ights (K) 2 ebony rave n speakers (S) 5 ebony initiat.es (E) The ad\'cnturers Icarn that members orl he Ebony Guard (CalflpaiBII Guide. page 97) have taken one of their friends hostage. The Ebony Guard is accusi ng thai person of crimes against the Raven Queen. The charac ters Icarn the location where the captive is being held and must rush \0 save him or her before the Guard leaves their friend to die in the collapsing tower. W hen the advent u rers enter the tower, read: :\5 you nUl up a dirf.\' stllirc(lsc letidinB to lite towrr's lh'il18 qllllrf('r~,yClIlI1l'nr 5houtin8frolll above, You I'mer81' al the fop oj rhe lower to find your~e!f surrounded by robed fl8ures wcarillH symhols '!f fit .. RtII'(,1I Queen .. 1. couple of armored warriors sfllrul Ilcr(lS~ rhe wayfrorll you, wHit other fiaures millin8 abouf nellrhy, Srt'illllyoII, all <?(fheln draw their \wapons and IllfdClt. 1 Ebony Knights (K) LevellS Soldie r Medium sh,ld"w hUnlanOld. human XP 1 200 each HP 144; Bloodied 72 AC 31, Fortitude 28, Reflex 26. Will 27 Speed 5 Furious Flock Initiative +13 Perception +8 l ow.light vision The knight can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 against an enemy that has one or more of the knight's allies adja<:ent to It. STANDARD A'TIONS ill Greatsword (weapon) + At·WIII Auod: Melee 1 (one creawre); +20 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 13 damage. Effect: The tar~e t Is marked until the end of the knight's next turn. t Sile nce Unbeliever (weapon) + Recharge ~ ; ; Anode: Melee 1 (one creature marked by the knight): +20 vs. AC Hit: 3d10 + 13 damage, and the target grams combat advan· tage (save ends).lfthe knight scores a critical hit. the target is Instead dazed (save ends). MINOR ACTIONS ::,- Death's Call (necrotic) + Recha rge when the knight staru i1$ turn immobilized or restrained and without an enemy adjacent to it Auock: Ranged 5 (one creature); +18 vs. Will Hit: 1d10 + 5 necrotiC damage, and the knight pulls the target up 10 5 squares. TRIGGERED ACTIONS o eath's Rebuke (necrotic) + At·WIII TriMer: An enemy within 10 squares of the knight and marked by it makes an attack that doesn·t Include the knight as a target. Effect (Free Action): Close burst 1 0 (triggering enemy In the burst). The target takes 10 necrotic damage, and each 01 its allies adJa· cent to It takes 5 necrotic damage. Str 22 (+13) o ex 18 (+11 ) Wis 12 (+8) (on 16(+10) Int 10(+7) Cha l0(+12) Alignme nt unaligned l anguages Common EqUipment plate armor, greatsword 1 Ebony Raven Speake rs (S) l e vel 16 Artillery Mpdlum ~hJdow humanOid human XP 1.400 each HP 120; Bloodied 60 AC 30, Fortitude 27, Refl ex 28. Will 29 Speed 6 TRAITS Furious Flock Initiative +8 Perception +14 l ow·llght vision The raven speaker (an score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 against an enemy that has one or more of the raven speaker's allies adjacent to II. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Morningstar (weapon) + At·WIII Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: ld10 + 12 damage. @) Mldwlnte rWlnd (cold.necrotic) + At·WiII Attock: Ranged 10 (one creature): +21 vs. Reflex Hit: ld 12 + 12 cold and necrotic damage. and the raven speaker can slide the target 1 square. ~} Swirling Ravens (~one) + Encounter Aunck: Area burst 2 within 10(enemies in the burst); +21 'Is. Fortitude. Hit: 3d1 0 + 6 damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The buut creates a zone that lasts until the end ofthe raven speaker's next turn. Enemies in the zone are slowed and take a -5 penalty to attack rolls against creatures not adjacent to them. Sustoin Minor: The zone persists until the end of the ra~n speaker"5 next turn. T RIGG[R[O ACTIONS Unkind Flight (polymorph) + Encounte r Requirement: The raven speaker must be bloodied. TrIBBer: The raven speaker is damaged by a melee attack. [fftc! (lmmediote Reaction): The raven speaker assumes the form of a flock of swirling ravens and files up to 8 squares. While In this form. the raven speaker is Insubstantial and can move through enemies· spaces. Each time the raven speaker enters an enemy's space during this movement. that enemy takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends). The form ends at the end of this movement. Str l1 (+9) Con 18(+12) Dex 10 (+8) Int 20(+13) Wis23 (+14) Cha 12 (+9) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipme nt robes, mornlngstar S Ebony Initiates (E) levell S Minion Brule Ml'lhum ~hadow hum<lnold, hum<ln XP 300 ealh HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 27. Fortitude 28, Reflex 26. Will 27 Speed 6 TRAITS Furious Floc:k Initiative + 11 Perception +8 l ow.Ught vision The Initiate (an score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 against an enemy Ihat has one or more of the initiate's allies adjacent to It. STANDARD ACTIONS ill Morningstar (weapon) + At·WiII Allock: Melee 1 (one creature): +20 vs. AC Hit: 14 damage. or 21 on a critical hit. Str 22 (+13) o ex18(+'1 ) Can 15 (+9) Int 10(+7) Wis 12 (+8) Cha 20(+12) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipme nt robes, morningstar

Tactics When the adventurers arrive, the ebony knights lise dearh'5 call to draw the characters into the room. They ignore the Captive (marked C on the map). recognizing thaI the characters arc the greater threat. The ebony initiates charge the heroes, hoping to dear a path to the stairs for their comrades. The members of the Ebony Guard fight lIllIiI round 4. when they attempt to retreat to the southern half of the lower. Arter the northern half of the tower collapses. they fight their way to the stairs, running for the exit during round 6. Features of the Area lI1umination : Bright light. Daylight shines through the windows. ami lamps il lumina te dimmer sect ions of the bllilding. Captive: The captive the characters arc try ing to rescue is manacled in the northwest section of the tower. The capti\'c (C) is prone, and until he or she saves. the ca ptive is also slowed. The captive aclS on an initiative count of 10. Collapsing Tower: The tower goes through the fo lloWing progression 011 initiative cOllnt I each round. When the bailie begins, large cracks have already formed. threatening to separate the north and south hah,cs of the tower. HOllnd I: The tuwer shudders on the verge of collapse. Hourtd 2: The tower sways. Any creature thai moves more tl1(111 hal fits speed IlIU5t succeed on a DC 15 Acrobat ics check or fa ll pronc. Roulld 3: Thc tower splits in ha lf as the two center pieces of noor fall away. Any creature able to take actions a nd occupyi ng one of the squares in the centra l area (hl'tw('cn the dashecllines) must make a DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics check. On a success. the c reatu re moves to the nearest square along thc edge of tile northern or sOllthcrn arca. On a failure, the creUlu re takes 3d 10 + 5 damage and falls prone in the nea rest square along the edge of the area. Hound 4: The northern pa rt ofl he tower collapses. Any crealUre in this a rea fa lls 50 feet and is bur~e . removing it from play. W hile removed from play. the c reat ure can take no actions other than the escape action. When it slIcceeds on a DC 27 Ath letics check or Acrobatics check. the creature appears on thc st reet below. Rounds 5-6: The remaining part of the lower Icans precariously towa rd the sOUlh. All creatures slide 2 S<luares to the south at the end of their turns. The wall .dong the southern edge prevents creatures from falling as they sl ide. Hound 7: The southe rn part of the tower colJapses. Any crcalllre in this area falls 50 feet and is buried. removi ng it from play. W hile relllO\'cd from play. the creature call take 110 ac tions other than the csc<lpe (lct lol1 . When It succeed5 on a DC 27 Athletics check or Acrobatics check. the creatu re appears all the st reet below. A creature on tllf' <; lairw<1Y takes 2e1l0 cl<lmage btlt is not removed from play. Fu rnishings: This area contains a few pieces of furniture. all of which prm'i<ie l:h'lrtial cover and arc difficult terrai n. (

( THRONE OF ULAG Encoun'er Level 17 (8,200 XP) Setup Ulag, lord ofKazzak'tul (U) 2 winter wolf snowfangs (W) 4- ogre bludgeoneers (B) The ruins ofKu7.zak',ul. an old death giant fortress. arc steeped in death. yet the place's storied riches COnlinuc 10 dmw adventurers ye,IT after year. The battle thut felled the lasl ort he mountain's death giants is legend. ary. and magic Ilsers across the ShadowfcJl covet the incredible power that fueled the conflict. Perhaps the characters are traveling to Kanak',ul in search oflrcaslLTc. or maybe they've been hired 10 find an abducted noble last seen being herded through the enormous gates. It's up to you whet her the heroes know about Ulag. the keep's ogre ruler. The self-styled lord ofKazz •• k',ul has lapped into the necromantic powcr thrulllilling through the tower and, as did the death giants before him, he's becnleaching power from the souls orhls minions and slaves, The adventurers find Ulag in the throne room at the top of the tower. possibly reaching this inncr sanctum only aftcr facing ogre lieutenants. variolls slavers. :lnd monsters under Ulag's rule. When the adventurers find the chamber. read: rile ~1'r(lwlifl9 Ilm~lIIe room E,meri. ' hrtlt .. ~ wirl! f,ower. .\1 t/Il'jllr .. fld 4rhe chamber .• 1111 sf IS ~,oldl'lI fhrolll' stlllfd!.'(1 inHem~ ~ils dlOI' II dai~.lI"~ htJll/)/I'J Seat ojl\il185, rhe /'t'flfilltl IU'ar! I!fhlaclt enera.'· tlwt infu5es rhe/Orfress. Vier a s{'corllia!clI1(l'. you notin' t1.flflufl' Sillil1/J in the 51'flt, llW dtHlll!irW. as 111011811 rhe cfeoltur,' "crt' 11 small child. fht,.tlJlure ~lwuls II COdr~I' onler hI the Irl'S in the f(l01ll1111t1 111m ~iille~ ojjlhe Ihrolle Ilrlli reach, 'J dub. 4 Ogre Bludg~oneers (B) Level 16 Minion Brute l.:ngc Ilolturoll humolnOld XP 350 each HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 28. Fortitude 30. Reflex 26. Will 26 Speed 8 STANDARD ACTlONS ~' _ CD Greatclub (weapon) + At·WIII Auack: Melee 2 (one creature):+21 vs. AC Hit: 1 5 damage. Initiative +9 Perception +9 Str 23 (+14) Con 25(+15) Oex 13(+9) Int 4 (+5) Wls1 3{+9) Cha 6 (+6) Alignment chaOtlC evil languages Giant Equipment hide armor. greatclub Ulag, Lord of Kazzak'tul (U) Lev~118 Elit~ Brute Largl! natural humanoid. ogre XP 4 000 HP 420; Bloodied 210 AC 30, Fortitude 33. Reflex 29. Will 29 Speed 7 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TI!.AITS o Reaper of Souls + Aura 3 Initiative +10 Perception +12 Enl!mies take a -4 penalty to death saving throws while in the aura. STANDARD ACTIONS (!) Maul (weapon) + At·WiII Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +23 vs. AC Hlt:4d12 + 6 damage. .. Pound Down + At-Will RCi/ulrement: Ulag must lot! bloodied. EffccI; Ulag uses maul twice. If both attacks hit the same creature. the target falls prone. (- Shadow lashing (necrotic) + Encounter Allaek: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); ... 21 vs. Fortitude Hil; 3dl0 + 5 necrotic damage. and ongoing 10 n&rotlc damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage. MINOR A CTION'> < .. Brutal Command. At·WIII (l/round) Requirement: Ulag must not be bloodied_ Effect; Close bum 5 (one ally in the burst). The target makes a melee ba~k allack as a free action and grants combat advan· tage until the end of Ulag's ne)(t turn. Str27 (+17) Oex13 (+10) Wis16 (+12) Con 20(+14) Int 9 (+8) eha 7 (+7) Alignment chaotic evil languages Common, Giant EqUipment scale armor. maul Tactics Because he is magically connected to the tower, Ulag knows precisely when intruders enter the structurc. He and his retinue can't be surprised. The ogres imlllcdi· ll iely advance and attack. with Vlag on their heels. Ulag lIses sh adow !mllin8 as soon as he can hit two or morc adve nturers with it. Ifhe misses most of the party. he expends the energy of a shadow circle (see Features of the Arca. below) 10 recharge shadow lashill8 :tnd try aga in. When he becomes bloodied. he uses pound down with brulal efficiency and saves the shadow circles for gaining temporary hit points. PRIOR ENCOUNTERS U!ag keeps a variety of soldiers and lieutenants at his disposal. Use one or both of these encounter groups to heighten the tension before the characters reach the throne room. For a level 14 encounter (XP 5,000), team up 1 arena·trained ogres (level 14 brute), 1 night hag (level 14 lurker), and 1 winterclaw owl bear (level 14 elite soldier). For a level 1 7 encounter (XP 8,800), use 1 death knight (level 17 elite soldier), 5 lich remnants (level 17 minion artillery), and 1 nabassu gargoyles (level 18 lurker).

Meanwhile, one of the wolves makes a Stealth check to move around behi nd the adventurers. It emerges to hit cha racters frOl1lthe side or rear withfriSid breath . The wolves use snow zephyr defensively, returning to their norlllal form to attack. 1 Winter Wolf Snowfangs (WI Level 16 Lurker Ml'd,um ndlur,,1 mJ!:ical bl?au (~hdP",changcr) XP 1 400 ""uh HP 124: Bloodied 62 AC 30. Fortitude 28. Reflex 29. Will 26 Speed 8 (Ice walk) Re~bt 20 cold TRAilS Icy Rending (cold) Initiative +19 Perception +12 low·light vision The wolf duls 2d8 extra damage whenever 11 uses bile again~t any creature Ihat Is taking ongoing cold damage. STANDARD At liONS (!) Bite (cold) • At·WIII Ailed: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 'IS. AC Hit: 2d10 + 9 damage plus 1d8 cold damage. ,. Frigid Breath (cold) • Recharge ~ l!J Attock; Close blast 5 (creatures in the blaSI); +19 "'5. Reflex Hit; 2d8 + 5 cold damage. and ongoing 10 cold d~m~ge (save ends). Min: Hair dama~e. TRIGGEREO ACTIONS Snow Zephyr (polymorph) + At.WIII Trl88er: The wolf takes damage from an enemy's attack. Effect (Immediate RooctionJ; The wolf alters its physical form to appear as a whirling zephyr of snow until it uses [nBid broolh. takes a mlrlOr action to resume Its wolf form. or drops to 0 hit points. While In this form. the wolf can use only its [nsid brooth, becomes Insubstantial. and can shift lis speed as a move action. Skills Stealth +20, or +25 In snow or Ice 51r21 (+13) Dex2S (+15) Con U (+14) Int 10 (+8) Wis 18 (+12) Cha 11 (+8) Alignment evil languages Common. Giani Features of the Area illumination: Bright right. Torches give off right throughout the chamuer. Activa ted shadow circles dimly light their squarcs and the squares ildjacent to them. Dais: The dais Is 5 feet high. The steps between the land· ing and the rest of the chamber require I exira square of move· melll 10 traverse. Seat of Kings: The golden throne is connected to the tower's magic. Any creature that sits on the throne can. as a minor action. absorb the energy of one act ivated shadow ci rele (see below) to gain 10 temporary hit points. When a circle is thus drained. It becomes deactivated (but it might he reactivated later). Idelltifying this property requires a DC 3 1 Arcana check. If a creatu re attempts to pry out thc thronc's gc;;lS, lhe Scat of Kings explodes in a magical geyser orrlre, gold. a nd rock. dea ling 30 damage to every creature within 3 S<ltlares ofit. If Arcana or Thievery checks (see below) deactivate a total or fonr shadow circles, the throne melts amid plumes or rock dust. contaminating the gold it is decorated with but leaving 10.000 gp worth of gems. Shadow Circles: Six shadow circles are inscribed (i n blue) on the th rone room's noor. When the encoun· ter st arts, two circles arc activated (randomly choose which ones). Whencver a creature dics in the throne room. one random unactivated shadow circle within 5 squa res of the creature becomes act ivated. When a creature other than Ulag enters an activated shadow Circle. It takes 15 necrotic damage. Ulag C:1Il ex pend the energy of an activated circle as a minor action to regain the use of shadow /as/linD or to gain 10 tempora ry hit points. Unlike other creatures. he docs 1101 need to sit on the throne in order to usc the energy ofa circle. A DC 23 Arcana check idelllifies the shadow circles' basic properties. An adventurer can permanently deactivate a circle adjacent to him or her with a DC 23 Arcana orThievery check. Regardless of the outcome, a character attempting Ihis check on an activated circle !<Ikes 15 nec rotic damage. Treasure: Ulag ca rries an uncommon magiC item of the characters' le\'eland 500 gpo The party might also recover the gems from Ihe throne (see above). :::

SHOWDOWN AT THE BLACK LANTERNS Encounter Lev e l 19 (12,400 XP) Setup Lord NIII, nightwalke r (N) 2 bodak death drinke rs (8) I-Ian, oni storm strider (I I) This cnCOllnter springs from the "Dark Genera l" hook associated with the I louse of Black Lanterns (CampoiSti Gllie/e, page 78). II also introduccs a treacherous oni named HHn, one of Lord Nilrs allies, The encounter offers HIl interesting transition for chHractcrs high in the paragon tier who stop at the inn while en route 10 somewhere else, The colorful group of Black Lanterns patrons and the inn's location-shifting ability give yOIl a Ilumuer of options for putting the adve nturers on the path to their next quest. rescue mission, or monster· slaying adventure. After nightfa ll. Lord Nil! comes to collect tribute from Yarol. who owns the Iiolise of Black Lanlerns, Yarol knows the visit is upcoming, and this time he has enlisted the aid oCthe characters to provide some resiata nce against the nightwalker. Han. an ani storm strider. begins the encounter disguised as a child. Don't place his figure before the encounter starts, When the adventurers step outside, read: A. 5Wrm has bl{l\\'11 iIl5i"(1.' Ihl.' SlliIdo\\jell's SUfi SI.'I, and lioillnillll alllllhunder rrack Ol'er Ihl.' land. \ou·d miller be insi,ll', 111(~ed ill bc~hfl.' Ihe hcarlh amid a morley assorlment (!fl'dlrons. Instl'dd.you'n· oul in II walerl088ed rourtyard, (JII,',drhW II til hIli in rhe llil1ltt. Sud"t'Il/Y, li~Jhrllirl'<j splits IIII' ,ky, and _"IIU ~ee your enemy: II dark crC,IIUfl' ill rhc \"l'~fiHes l!f een'mania/ armor, hm 8my skimlt'J rn',ullrl'sjlalltiflll him_ In your minds._lOu heaf, MI),jt'lltiers ,if rlit' HllII.k I.an!t'rn~. I."" .\iII shalll'ullish your inso/cllrr!ft Perception Check DC 33: In Ihf darkncss f1('11r tilt' on'rhoI180( ont oJfhl' bal· conil's,.,·oll ean rMtlluo ouf a smull. '1uil'rjorl1l fhm tlrpl'ar'" 10 bc a rhiM, It rt'lrlllins il1p/llef as Lord -'"ill and Ilis crOllit'S bmce j(lf rill' ul'(omillo}iIJ'u. Lord Nil!. Nightwalker (N) Level 10 Elite Brute la. e shadow humanoid (undeadl XP S 600 HI' 464: Bloodied 232 AC 32. Fortitude 32, Re nel{ 30. Will n S~ed8 Initiative +1 5 Pe rception +14 Darlcvlslon Immune disease. polson: ResIst 20 cotd, 20 necrotic: Vulnerable 20 radiant Any enemy that starts its turn in the aura ~lces 5 cold and necrotic damage. STANDMtD A( n(lN~ CD Slam (cold, necrotic) . At-Will Attod: Melee 2 (one creature): +25 vs. AC Hil: 2d12 + 13 plus 2d8 cold and necrotic damage. ~ Finger of Death (necrotiC) + Encounter Alllltk: Ranged 5 (one bloodied creature); +21 vs. Fortitude HII: The larget drops to 0 hit points. Miss: The target takes necrotic damage equal to its healing surge value. M ,NOIt ACllo,",s (- Void Gaze (necrOllc) + At-Will (l/round) Allllck: Close blasl 5 (enemies in the blast): +23 vs. Will Hit; 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is pushed up to 4 iI«Iuares and talccs a M2 penalty 10 all defenses (save ends). Skills Stealth +20 Str 24 (+17) Con 22 (+16) Alignment evil De1{ 20(+15) Int 17 (. 13) Wis18(+14) Cha 24 (+17) Languages Common. telepathy 20 2 Bodak Death Drinkers (B) Level 18 Controller M .. d.um shadow humanOid (undead) XP 2,000 earh HP 175: Bloodied 87 AC 32, Fortitude 31. Refl ex 30, Will 31 Speed 6 Immune disease, polson; Resist 20 necrotic: Vulnera ble 10 radiant TRAITS o AgonlJ:lng Gaze (fear. necrotic) + Aura 5 Initiative +14 Perception +17 Darlc vlslon Any enemy Ih ~t uses a radiant attaclc power while in Ihe aura takes 10 necrotic damage. Death Orinlcer Whenever a living enemy within 5 squares of the bodak drops to o hll points or fewer, the bodak gains 10 temporary hit polnts_ STANDARD ACTIONS CD Death Touch (necrotic) + At-Will Attock; Melee 1 (one creature;' +23 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 13 necrotic damage. and the target is Immobilized (save ends). First Foiled Sovlns Throw: The target is immobilized and wealcened (save ends both). MIss: The target Is slowed untillhe end of its next turn_ ~ Vision of MortalilY + At-Will Anllek; Ranged 10(one Immobilized and weakened crealUre); +21 vs. Fortitude Hit: The largel loses a heailng surge and Is stunned umll the end of its next turn_It is no longer immobilized and weilkened. Str22( I1S) Dedl (+14) Wis 16(+12) Con 23 (+1S) Int 10 (+9) Cha 23 (+15) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment plale armor

Han, Oni Storm Strider (H ) Lev e l 10 Skirmis h e r L.u~e n,lIural humanOid XP 1800 HP 190; Bloodied 95 AC 34. FortlltJde 31. Reflex 33, Will 31 Speed 6, teleport 6 TRAITS Binding Chains (teleportatlon) Initiative +20 Perception +20 Darkvision Whenever Han terepans, he can teleport with him any creature he is grabbing, The teleported creature appears in a square adja· [em to the square Han teleported to. STANDARD ACTIOIIIS (!) Spiked Chilin (lightning. thunder. weapon) + At·WIII AIIIlCk: Melee 3 (one creature); +2S vs. AC Hit: Sd8 + S lightning and thunder damage. Han can grab the target If he docs not already h"ve twO creatures grabbed (escape DC 2S). Whether or not H.iln grabs the target. he can pull it up to 2 squares to iI square adjacent to him. ~ Storm Portai llightning. teleportation. thunder) + Rechillrge :.: !!l Allllck: Close burst 2 (enemies In the burst); +23 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d l 0 + 8 thunder damage. and the onl pushes the target up to 2 squares. If the attack hiu a creature the oni has grabbed. the creature alw takes 2d1 0 extra lightning damage. and the grab ends. Effect: Before or after the auack. the oni tdeports up to Its speed. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Quick Escape (te(eportatlon) + At·WIII Tri8.ger: An enemy hits the oni. fffect (/mmedklle Reoctlon~ The oni teleporu up to 3 squares. Deceptive Veil (Illusion) + At-Will Effect; The oni di~gulses itself to appear as iI Medium or large humanoid until it uses deceptive veil again or umil it drojH to 0 hit points. Other crealtJres can make a DC 39 Insight check to discern that the form Is an illusion. Skills Bluff +22. Stealth +23 Str 23 (+16) Dex 27 (+18) Con 12 (+16) Int 16 (+13) Wis20 (+lS) Cha 24 (+17) Alignment chaotic evil languages Common. Giant Equipment leather armor. spiked chOlin Tactics Furious that mortals would dare interfere wit h him. Lord Nill blasts the interlopers with \'Oid8(]Zl' before charging the seemingly toughest opponent. The night· walker maintains his focus on that character. using \'Oidsaze to keep other combatatllS fTOm interfering. lie refuses to t1sefil1iJer of demit 011 a worthy upponenl. even when in a dire position, bUI he thinks nothing of shooting the death blow at a magic user. the whole 101 of whom he considers dishonorable. Meanwhile, the bodaks guard Lord Nill's back as he fights. Boggled by the nightwalker's setlse ofhol\or, the bodaks actin:ly plIt down Injured and vu lnerable foes, lapping lip their final nickers of mortality. IfLord Nill .... the death drinkers lose alt sense of lac tics. and attacks the nearest enemy. maintains his child's guise until the party's t:.atants are engaged. Theil he drops deceptil'c hi-. normal Large size (place Han's figure : '(."e lhe rcad·aloud lex I below). and . are lIsing ranged attacks. lie espe· .. weaklings and tcleporting them to illCOTwenient localions. lfLord Nil! dies, Han changes his tactics to total defense and teleporls from Ihe 20111 Ie. When Han sheds his disgUise, read: \\ 'itl! a srarrlillfl how!. Iht'("ild·~.n(,!:'1 bt'8in~ to warp. \\ 'illtin ,1 hl'arlbclll, a I1hl~$in' owelike bcll~r Wippilll/ U IICljly ~11Jkl'd dld/II ullCtlrls where tiU' wtl!f stood rnomt'lIr~ "~forl'. Features of the Area Illumination: Da rkness. Bell Tower: A large bell lower lOpS the inn's soulh· cast corner. When Lord Nill is OrSI bloodied. Ihe bell peals. and the bodaks. which fear the sQumi, arc dazed (save ends). The Courtyard: The cobblestones oflhe B:lack Lanterns cOllrlyard provide no impediment to move· menl. The area is surrounded by 30·foot·high walls on the west, south. and east sides. and a roof o\'erhangs the entire courtyard. Balconies: The wcst. north, a nd east sides of this area have balconies Ihal can be accessed frOllllhe stair· ways on eil her side of the ent ranee. The noor of each balcony is 4 squa res (20 feet) above the courtyard. t:ntrancc: The narrow corridor leading orTthe edge oflhe map 10 the 110rlh is the entrance 10 Ihe House of Black La nterns. The squares immediately south of Ihe inn's front door arc steps that lead down into Ihe courtyard. Stairways: The steps leading to the entrance and the sta irs that provide access to Ihe balconies are dif· ficult terrain, regardless of whether a creatu re is ascending or descending. Treasure: When Lord Nill is vanqUished. he disap· pears, leaVing behind a n uncommon magiC item of dIe party's level.

BRIbGE OF DESPAIR Encounter Level 24 (32,475 XP) Setup 2 sorrowsworn soul rippers (S) 2 angels of supremacy (A) 5 shardstorm vortex whirlwinds (W) A terrible conviction or need drives the adventurers 10 seck out Farad Exills (Campa i.911 Guide. page 89), the temple where Vorkhesis. Exarch of Fatc. dwells. The holy place is ca rved into the side of a canyon, and the heroes Illllst traverse a long bridge to reach their goal. Il owcvcr, no one enters the temple without first passing three tests offaith. In this. the Drs! tcst. sorrowsworn and angels in service to the Raven Queen attack the cJmractcrs as they cross the bridge. To adapt Ihis encounter to fit your party's level. you ca n replace some or all orits gua rdian attackers with a mix of angels. shadar-kai, elcmclltals, and gargoyles. W hen the players have positioned their figures, read: Y,lIl'W 'II ~I ,1 'IL ,II It Ir Crll'~il1.':1 tM.' bridfJl" ~n,I.I'lJUr t!!lllt Ih lim liI'.!l n ,I vII mlle..tollt's ill.l (llir 1!1i'. You rl'~! i:e dill' d,'llth dill8-' IO.IOLlr thrl'~d in!lh' wilr/J's l~pl'~lr.\·, brh'8illfl 1('111,1 this ,,1,1(, m lime Ila!ti,'ay a(r(l~S" bridtJl' Spl1lHlillfll1 misr· II/",f rlJn.nm tlll.~ )ur way It) rill' L,hiy of J klllh'~ n',II",. . \, 'CIII/H'rl'll. o.!"·~hal't',t h'I\'I'rS 5l1pp<lrf Ihe hriIIHI·. Exc{'pf for S(III1I' rIIl'ellS pl'rd1l',llllll'lIIl'l,I" wintfoll"~i!l~, Iht' sITUc/Un':; ,lpP,'tlr WlIltTllpic,/.It"s ~ londy, hat.:J! "ILlCt" -until suddi'nly it'511l11. The IllIllCk (llIm'~ lI'it/w1I1 n\lrnilll/. :\n'as C?(th ... brieltJi' t'T1I1'1 IIn1lm.J you in whirli1l8 cydolles ~f\\"illli and SWII{'. 1'011 nmlh'lir Iht' bl'lItilltJ l~f lI'il1.'ls IIlId l'iciou." C<!ckiill11 camillli btlihITtlIll Ilht',ull{nIU 'lIldfrom Ihl' SP,I(l' ylllljUSI Irm·dt'" thrl1uH'I, rill' Rlln.'11 QUi'l'II'S '11·'Il.<jt·r~ 'IlIW, h. ~n 0 (osl HIli. FALLING A cloud of ravens catches any adventurer who falls from the bridge. Remove that character's figure from play. At the encounter's end, the ravens drop all adventurers who have fallen back on the bridge. (Alternatively, Vorkhesis might want to imprison the characters or hold them for some other purpose.) A flying creature moved over the edge of the bridge obeys the normal rules for falling while flying. If a monster that lacks a fly speed. such as a sorrowsworn, is moved over the edge, ravens deposit the monster back on the bridge in a square ofits choice at the start of Its next turn. 1 Sorrowsworn Soulrippers (S) Level 15 Skirmisher MedIum ~ha<l()w humanmd XP 7,000 (",(h HP 236: Bloodied 118 AC 39, Fortitude 35, Refl ex 39, Will 36 Sp«d10 TIlAIlS 8le .. k Visage (fear) Initiative +27 Perception +27 Darkvlsion Creatures take a -2 penalty to melee and ranged attack rolls against the sorrowsworn. Combat Advantage The sorrowsworn deals 3d6 extra damage against any creature granting combat advantage 10 it. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Claw (psychic) + At·WiII Aflock: Melee 1 (one creature); +30 vs. AC HIt: 2d8 of 15 damage plus 2d8 psychic damage. t Flutu:r and Strike (psychic, teleportatlon) + Recharge ~.;:;,. II Effect: Before the a{lack. the sorrowsworn telefJOrts up to 10 squares. The sorrowsworn gains combat advantage against an enemy adjacent to It for this attack, and then uses dow against the e nemy. t Sorrow's Rush (psychic) + Encounter Effect: The sorrows worn moves up to 10 squares and uses dow three times at any points during thiS movement. Each attack must be n'ade against a different creature. Skills InSight +27, Slealth +30 Sir 24 (+19) Oex36{+2S) Con 28 (+2 1) lnl 18 (+16) Wi§ 31 (+22) Cha 22 (-1-18) Alignmen' unaligned Languages Common 5 Shardslorm Vorte x Level 13 Minion Skirmisher Whirlwinds (W) M<>dlum elelllenlal m<l leal beast j;nr. earth) XP 1175 each HP 1; a Illissed attack never damages a minion. AC 37. Fortitude 3S, Reflex 36, Will 34 Speed 0, fly 8 (hover) Immune disease, polson TRIIIT!. o Sandblast + Aura 1 Initiative +21 Perception +17 Enemies take a -2 penallY 10 all defenses while in the aura. STIINOAR[) ACItONS CD Abrasive Slam + At·WiII Auack: Melee 1 (one creature): +26 vs. Fortitude HIt: 1 S damage. M OVE AC TIONS Vortex Step + At·Will Effect: The whirlwind shifts up to 4 squares. Str 12 (~ 12) Dex 27 (+19) Wis 22 (+17) Con 24 (+18) Int 5 (+8) Cha 6 (+9) Alignment unallgned Languages Primordial Tactics The sorrowsworn lead the assauh. They dash in rrom opposite directions and use 50rrow's rush aga inst sur· priscd ad,'cnlurers. Thcy end their initial attacks outsidc melee range as the vortexes whirl in. siamllling into these creatures who wcre so brazen as to approach thc Ravcn Quecn's temple. The a ngels quickly mark enemies who deal the most damage. They exist to serve the Rave n Queen and, in this battle, that mcans serving and protccti ng the sorrOWSWOfn.

2 Angels of Supremacy (A) level 24 Soldier l'IfIlC Immorlal humanOid (Jngcl ~ XP 6 050 each HP 226: Bloodied 11 3 AC 39, Fortitude 37, RefleJl 3S, Will 34 Speed 8. fly 12 (hover) Immune fear. Resist 1S radiant TRAITS Angelic Presence Initiative +19 Perception +18 While the angel Is not bloodied, creatures take a -2 penalty to attack rolls agalnstlt. Threatening Reach The angel can make Opportunity attacks against enemies within 3 squares of it. STANOARD ACTION .. (f) Spear (thunder, weapon) . At·WIII Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +29 vs. AC Hit: ldTO + S damage plus 2d10 thunder damage. ~ light of Justice (radiant) • Encounter Altock: Ranged 10 (one creature): +27 vs. Fortitude Hit; 3d10 + 20 radl~nt damage. Effect; The angel marks Ihe larget until the end of the encounter. <~ Astral Brilliance (radiant. zone) • Encounter Attock: Close burst 3 (enemies In the burst); +27 vs. RefleJl Hit: 4d10 + 10 radiant damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone thallaslS untillhe end of the encounter. Whenever the angel uses spror while in the zone, Its attack deals ldlO extra radiant damage. M INOR A CTIONS ~ Summons loJustlce • At·WiII (1/r()(Jnd) E//et:t; Ranged sight (Creatures marked by the angel). The angel pulls the target 1 square. Skills Intimidate +2 1 5Ir29 (+ 21 ) DeJl21 (;17) (on 26 (+10) Int 2S (+19) Wis12 (+18) (hOI 19 (+16) Alignment unaligned languages Supernal Equlpmpnt plale armor. heavy shield. spear The sorrowsworn don't flghllO Ihe dealh. VVhen one drop~ 10 rewer than 60 hit points or arler all their a llies nrc sla in. the sorrowsworn bow respectfully to the adventurers und vanish in the midst orbursts or ravens that nap orrin every direct ion. Features of the Area Illumination: Dark ness. Bridge; This ancient structure is stu rdy and has high railings. Any creatu re moved over the edge gains a +5 bonus to its saving throw to catch itselfberorc fall· ing. If the saving throw succeeds. the movement that would havc pushed the creature orTt he bridge stops with the creatu re in a space adjacent to the edge. Canyon Floor; The grou nd is scveral hundred rect bclo\\ the bridge, Treasure: \Vhen the sorrow:.worn nee. one leaves behind an uncommon magic item orthe party's level emblazoned wi th the Havcn Queen's mark. (

©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you can reroll a natural 1 on an attack roll once per encounter. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. CLUMSY “Oops! Ouch! Just pretend you didn’t see that.” Until you overcome this despair effect, whenever you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, a skill check, or a saving throw, you fall prone. Key Skill: Acrobatics. If you are trained in Acrobatics, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +4 bonus to initiative until the end of your next extended rest. DISTRACTED “Check out the clouds. Aren’t they beautiful?” You take a –4 penalty to initiative until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Perception. If you are trained in Perception, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you can make an opportunity attack against any enemy that shifts while adjacent to you. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. DROWSY “Hmmm? Oh, did it move?” You cannot make opportunity attacks until you overcome this despair effect. This card is not discarded as normal at the end of an extended rest. Key Skill: Perception. If you are trained in Perception, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude until the end of your next extended rest. LETHARGIC “I’m just going to sit down and take a breather. Don’t mind me.” You take a –2 penalty to Fortitude until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Endurance. If you are trained in Endurance, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +1 bonus to speed until the end of your next extended rest. SLUGGISH “Hold your horses, I’ ll be right there. Just give me a second.” You take a –1 penalty to speed until you overcome this despair effect. This card is not discarded as normal at the end of an extended rest. Key Skill: Athletics. If you are trained in Athletics, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +2 bonus to Reflex until the end of your next extended rest. UNCONCERNED “Wow, that fireball really hurt. I guess I should try to avoid it next time.” You take a –2 penalty to Reflex until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Thievery. If you are trained in Thievery, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +5 bonus to death saving throws until the end of your next extended rest. FATALISTIC “What’s the point? We’re all going to die sooner or later. This seems as good a time as any.” Until you overcome this despair effect, you take a –5 penalty to death saving throws and die after two failed death saving throws. Key Skill: Religion. If you are trained in Religion, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +2 bonus to saving throws until the end of your next extended rest. HOPELESS “We’re done for. Let’s just surrender.” You take a –2 penalty to saving throws until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Insight. If you are trained in Insight, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you can use 2 action points per encounter, but only 1 per round. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. INDIFFERENT “I suppose I could attack it again. But really, what’s the point?” You cannot use action points until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Bluff. If you are trained in Bluff, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect.

©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you can choose to ignore any forced movement you are subject to. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. CR AVEN “AHH! It’s going to kill me!” You fall prone whenever an enemy pushes, pulls, slides, or charges you until you overcome this despair effect. You fall prone only after the forced movement or charge attack is complete. Key Skill: Dungeoneering. If you are trained in Dungeoneering, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain resist 2 to all damage until the end of your next extended rest. This resistance increases to 4 at level 11 and 6 at level 21. FRAIL “Ow, that hurts. Ouch, stop that.” You gain vulnerable 2 to all damage until you overcome this despair effect. This vulnerability increases to 4 at level 11 and 6 at level 21. Key Skill: Endurance. If you are trained in Endurance, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, your healing surge value increases by 5 until your next extended rest. This increase becomes 10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st level. INSOMNIA “How can you sleep so peacefully, when there’s so many things waiting out there to kill you?” Your healing surge value is halved until you overcome this despair effect. This card is not discarded as normal at the end of an extended rest. Key Skill: Nature. If you are trained in Nature, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +1 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next extended rest. PHOBIC “Spiders? I hate spiders. And snakes. And open spaces. And heights.” You take a –1 penalty to all defenses until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Intimidate. If you are trained in Intimidate, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you cannot be immobilized until the end of your next extended rest. SCARED STIFF “Maybe it won’t notice me.” You cannot shift while adjacent to a Large or larger enemy until you overcome this effect. Key Skill: Athletics. If you are trained in Athletics, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next extended rest. TREMBLING “Steady . . . steady . . . steady.” You take a –1 penalty to attack rolls until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Acrobatics. If you are trained in Acrobatics, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you cannot be surprised, dazed, or stunned until the end of your next extended rest. JITTERY “Did you hear that noise? Or that one? What was that? Something’s coming.” You are dazed during your first turn in combat until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Streetwise. If you are trained in Streetwise, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and all defenses while you are adjacent to an ally. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. MISTRUSTFUL “I don’t like the way you’re looking at me.” You cannot move through allies’ spaces until you overcome this despair effect. This card is not discarded as normal at the end of an extended rest. Key Skill: Insight. If you are trained in Insight, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +2 bonus to Will until the end of your next extended rest. PAR ANOID “I can see it in your eyes. You’re all out to kill me. You want my treasure, don’t you?” You take a –2 penalty to Will until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Perception. If you are trained in Perception, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect.

©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, any enemy grants combat advantage to you while adjacent to you and an ally. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. COVETOUS “It’s mine. I called it. Or maybe I didn’t—but it’s still mine.” Until you overcome this despair effect, you cannot flank an enemy. Key Skill: Thievery. If you are trained in Thievery, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your next extended rest. DELUSIONAL “You guys take the grunts. Leave the dragon to me.” You take a –2 penalty to AC until you overcome this despair effect. This card is not discarded as normal at the end of an extended rest. Key Skill: Nature. If you are trained in Nature, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +2 bonus to skill checks until the end of your next extended rest. FORGETFUL “What was the general’s name again? It’s on the tip of my tongue. Dal-something? Or was it Del-something?” You take a –2 penalty to skill checks until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: History. If you are trained in History, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you can use your second wind as a minor action, or as a free action during your turn if you can already use your second wind as a minor action. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. RECKLESS “Stop to recover? Why? We’ve got them on the run!” You cannot use your second wind, take the total defense action, or take the first aid action until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Stealth. If you are trained in Stealth, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against bloodied creatures. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. SQUEAMISH “Ewww. I’m getting blood all over me. This isn’t going to wash out.” Until you overcome this despair effect, you take a –2 penalty to attack rolls against bloodied creatures. Key Skill: Arcana. If you are trained in Arcana, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, enemies do not gain combat advantage for flanking you until the end of your next extended rest. WRATHFUL “I don’t care what it takes—you’re going to pay for that!” You grant combat advantage to enemies adjacent to you until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Intimidate. If you are trained in Intimidate, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you ignore charm or fear effects until the end of your next extended rest. HAUNTED “Can you hear that voice? That whisper? The voice is telling me to avenge it.” You take a –4 penalty to all defenses against charm or fear powers until you overcome this despair effect. This card is not discarded as normal at the end of an extended rest. Key Skill: Arcana. If you are trained in Arcana, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you grant a +4 bonus for taking the aid another, aid attack, or aid defense action instead of +2. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest.. JEALOUS “Why should I help you? I saw how you were looking at that elf.” Until you overcome this despair effect, you cannot take the aid another, aid attack, or aid defense actions. Key Skill: Diplomacy. If you are trained in Diplomacy, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC After you overcome this despair Boon: effect, you grant allies a +2 bonus to all defenses while they are adjacent to you. This benefit lasts until the end of your next extended rest. QUARRELSOME “Get out of my way! Stop taking the good spots. This monster is mine—go find your own!” Allies grant combat advantage while adjacent to you until you overcome this despair effect. Key Skill: Bluff. If you are trained in Bluff, you gain a +2 bonus to the roll to overcome this despair effect.

©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC INDOMITABLE SPIRIT “We will triumph. We are heroes, and nothing can bring us down.” Boon: Discard any despair cards you currently have. You do not draw despair cards until the end of your next extended rest. RAMPANT DESPAIR “This is a disaster.” Immediately discard this card and draw two more despair cards. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC TWIST OF FATE “Did you hear what the dwarf was saying about you? Yikes.” Choose one player other than yourself to draw a new despair card. That player can then choose one of his or her despair cards to discard. You then discard this despair card and draw a new one. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC

(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - The Shadowfell - Gloomwrought And Beyond + (Tokens, Mappe e Carte) - Flip eBook Pages 151-180 (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.